So let's ramble about for awhile. I've been sitting in the dark void of my parents house for almost a week now on vacation. My brain is mush. There's a crazy lady installing cable here. She's been here for four hours, I know she has two kids named brandy and monica, she's gettng subway for dinner and she wears a red scarf.
Ok so Mike wanted to know why Deerhoof was a good band. I could go into how they are mainstreaming deconstructionist japanese metal into a popular "listanable" format. That's a long boring discussion and most of you have never heard of The boredoms...aside from their drummer Yoshmi who has a whole album about her killing pink robots. So let me just say thet Deerhoof are great because they are fucking hillarious. They have a song in which the chorus is Panda pan-pan-pan-da panda panda-pan-da-China- Night light. Come on. How is that not beautiful. They aren't all up on their high horse claiming to be beautiful experimentalists. They just like noise rock and twee music and mixing the two together.I listen to Deerhoof when I need to not think about the crazy shit in my life. Or really organised thought at all. Anyway the point is this. Music has lots of different sides to it. As does all art. Deerhoof is abstract joy. It's not for everyone. A lot of people would look at it and say my kid could do that... and a bunch of kids did. So I find Deerhoof to be this totally unrelentless machine of unfiltered joy. Like a bunch of kids running around at chucke cheese loaded up on red bull. They are so full of energy and anything and everything they do puts a smile on their face. And also there's a shitload of screaming. This of course is to be taken in moderation. Usually I listen to the new deerhoof when it comes out, put it on the shelf after a couple of weeks, then pull it out when i need like an hour of their specific medecine. Those times alone when we allow ourselves to be utterly unhinged. Yes I have jumped around my apartent in only my boxers screaming out every word of Apple'o. And then reality came back and I had to do something shitty like go to work. But for that glorious 31.2 minutes i was a careless child. And that's why they're an awsome band. They have the ability to move your brain into a whole different sphere of thinking if you let them. And no drugs are involved...well your brain is pumping all sorts of shit out on it's own. So there as incoherent as i can make it... Deerhoof is good because it makes me happy. Put that in your philosophical book of proofs and smoke it. And really in the end who cares...Totally not doing spell checker...or editting this...
15 from ‘14
10 years ago
1 comment:
Well said John-- I still am not sure that I like what they sound like, but at least maybe now I can listen with a new ear-- I haven't ever listened through a whole song so now I should try. Oh, and surprisingly I didn't see any spelling mistakes. Guess you write better when you are passionately spewing. Good to have you back on here
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