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Sunday, December 28, 2008
John87's Songs of the Year (In Playlist Form)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Songs of the year....make it your next mixtape....
Ok so yeah I love the format of the album. One long group of songs with theme and common interests. But then there are some songs that just pop more then anything else.
10.Tv on the Radio- Lover's Day It's about sex. A whole day of sex. Get everyone in the world together and just get biblical with each other. What makes this song so great is that I know Tv hates the America we live in. They hat the way we treat our fellow man. They hate how dumb people don't care about how dumb they are. They hate that Britany Spears, Rhianna and Beyonce are making millions and they have day jobs. And what do they end their album with. A love son to the world about hope and glory and fucking so hard you break the bed and have the neighbors call the cops. Call it Lover's day.Yes of course there are miracles under our sighs and moans. I'm gonna take you home.....beautiful.
9. Q-tip -Life is Better Yeah Qtp put out a record this year. Your lame for not knowing that. And yeah I'm lame for liking the song with Nora Jones on it the best of the new q tip album. But really why fault norah. I actually really wanna meet that girl. She does good stuff, maybe a little to coffee house but she always puts harder in it. But q-tip just flows for like 2 minutes straight in this song and it's a reminder of how shitty mainstream hip hop is. It's turned into what pop country is...a mockery of what the art form used to be. Thanks Abstract, you brought the heart this year.
8. Erykah Badu- The Cell Ok so Q tip and Erykah revived smooth 90's hip hop this year and both put out their best albums. So yeah I know you didn't know's cool i'm here to help.The cell is just a shake down. It's kind of like the song you throw on at a party while your looking for something better, but then realise how great a groove it's got. You look up and the entire party is just freaking on the carpet. It's that smooth.
7. Hercules and ove affair- Blind Antony's voice is so a world in it's own. The Antony and the Jonson records are so full of sorrow and ache.Who knew that he could turn it into such a sexy cross dressing diva howl. Blind makes 90 year old women break their hips. That beat is so solid and Antony just is magnificent. Yeah by the way that's a guy if you didn't know, he's like 6'11'' .I didn't go into many gay clubs this year....Shadows just had better tunes sorry Grid....but everytime I did Blind would play. Everyone would look conused and Erica always asked me what the hell this was. It's disco baby, leave your shame at the door.
6. The submarines- you me and the bourgeises. Yeah this song is in an Ipod commercial. Yeah I heard it and then went and imediately downloaded this album. Yeah I get it I'm a sell out. But I also get to stomp along to this corny little pop gem and you don't so really who is the loser here.
5. Lil Wayne- LA LA (carter 3 mixtape version aka the real one) It's a poppy beat, a high pitched chorus and lines about being a teenager and hoping that the crack your carrying in your mouth won't pop and ruin your day. This is a 3:30 of Weezy history. From birth to the present. He never faults here and really never stops accept to catch his breath. Weezy is the best rapper alive and god I hope he plays this song live.
4. The Decemberists- Valerie Plaime Colin Melory is a cheeky bastard. I hear he's a total self centered ass. But yeah he's smart so let him be. This is a love song about Valerie plaime the Bush administrations outed spy. It's fun and dissolves into a ...well ok it turns into a beatles song and its fucking hillarious. Hey we have the government of doom destroying our bravest men and womens lives....let's write a pop song about it.
3. Fucked Up- Son the Father Ok this is a song that starts out with about a minute and a half twirly little flute solo, turns to a heavy metal live show opening then evolves imediately to a post punk fist punching song. I like to listen to post harcore when I fall asleep, the total chaos and unfiltered emotional violence tends to put me to sleep.I don't know why. But anyway this song is a poerfect begining to a crazy mess of an album....mess is good
2. Portisehead- magic doors/threads These songs flow into each other. The last note of threads actually just reverberates in the backround through out all of threads. Great albums are made out of great songs. Duh. But these songs have to messh and carry the same themes and feelings. magic doors/threads is a great end to the best record of the year and the best comeback ever. Just god i get shivers, beth gibbons takes you so deep into her ether soaked brain and she just is so nonchalant about it. Like it's so effortless for her to pour that voice of hers out.She really is not human.And from the 4 minute mark of threads on you get the best music of the year.
1. M83 Kim+ Jessie Yeah this is soaked in cheesy 80's movie popcorn glitz. Yeah there are synths to the point of gaging. Yeah it's a corny love song. Yeah it's just the best thing this year. You have no heart and no appreciation for music if you can't just let yourself fall for this little tune. It's so sweet. like 4 year old kids calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend cute. This is the darling of the year for me and it should be yours to.
ok I ended on a low note. but i'm tired and being urged to go to bed. So yeah goodnight.
This is a long a double album.
My brain works better when I'm tired. Well at least I tend to write better when I'm tired. Not that i can write good or anything.rofl. God I hate cell phones. Anyway. I'm tired, cranky, heartbroken and angry on this X mas eve. So let's discuss the best music of the year and see where we end up.
I realised today that I just don't give a shit about the top ten structure anymore. This was a growing up experience and a little after school special music chimed in behind me as I thought this.Now to any geek this is blasphemy. But I'm also the guy who things genres are ridiculous...I like Miranda Lambert and shes pop country that doesn't mean if you buy me a Toby Keith record i won't punch you in the face.
Ok back to the point. Why make lists at all. Do i really think The Walkmen put out an all around better record then Wolf Parade and so i should give them a number 5 spot instead of 6. Should I put Kathleen Edwards on as number one because i listened to that record every night this year i healed my heart with liquor and junk food, i listened to it a lot...oi my liver, or M83 because I had maybe the most intimate connection between music and myself I've ever had with my first listen to that record. Or do I act cool and pick cut copy,crystal castles, the doodos or something else with crazy indie cred...Vampire Weekend does not count kids, they were on the cover of Spin fuck them in their river cuomo cardigan sweater wearing faces... I like all that shit. And to be honest the record that got the most plays from me came out last year...Bishop Allen's The broken string.
So why make a top ten list. Why take the time and think this over. Ponder the depths of 1 year of music. I mean really it's just one revolution round the sun.Why can't we just continually discuss what we're listening to day by day month by month and not clog everything into one tiny time period. With that here's my top ten. Smiley Smile.
10. Okkervil river- The Stand Ins...never thought this band could continue to do anything intersting after black sheep boy. But the one two punch of stage names and stand ins is as consistant and meaningful as any other bands out put.
9. It's a tie between 2 EPs. The Decemberists first Bridesmaid issue and Metric's Mainstream Ep. I love the Ep format and once wrote a paper saying that the music industry would devolve back into releasing smaller single based releases with the popularity of Itunes and dumb teenage girl listening habits. Both these albums are great little reminders of talented bands and what they like to do when no one is really listening...i mean how many people reading this knew either these bands put new shit out this year.
8. Lil Wayne- Tha Carter 3. Sorry weezy my broken heart knocks you down. My former romantic interest is in love with Mr. Carter. As am I. We were born literally two hours apart and may meet for the first time on the fourth. Anyway Weezy has put out much better shit.But this is a joke album as funny as any Flight of the Concords shit. Look at the god damn cover. I think weezy decided to give a big fuck you to all the people who don't listen to his real shit, the mix tapes he spews effortlessly....he has put out 8 other albums this year alone. So weezy took the money and ran making a pop album for the ages and the biggest payoff in music history....i'll discuss wayne later.
7. The Walkmen- You and Me. This is a barrage of drunken dizzy just got off a 12 hour shift in the greasy restaurant kitchen where I make barely enough money to pay rent and by food I'm tired stoned and want to fuck but I'm to miserable to get of the couch. Maybe not. But that's how I felt the first time I heard this album. I pulled the car to the side of the road at midnight and just sat and listened. Loud, full bodied screaming howls of blue collar poetry. Beautiful collages of horns strings and echoing reverb drenched guitars. Yes Virginia The Walkmen are back in our lives and god bless for that.
6. Joan as Policewoman- To Survive Yeah this could fit into any 40 year old coffee shop dwelling hockey moms playlist. But this album is sad and sexy and full of this kinda cool 70's vibe. Like I can see that the people making this album had a lot of fun hanging out in the studio. It's not remarkable in any way. It's just good and made me feel good. and yeah it's not cool but i like i also like Rhianna so fuck you guys.
5. Wolf Parade- At Mount Zoomer. I love Spencer Krug and will continue to champion any piece of shit he throws at me...Beast moans...really some on that was baaaaaad. Thank god Wolf parade made crazy pop music listenable again. Kissinbg the beehive would hold the whole album up even if the rest was just static and coughing. A great follow up to a classic album.
4. Los Campensinos! Hold on now Youngster. I saw these guys in california right before i moved back last year. My metal loving roommate took me to the show with his metal loving friends and i was expecting ear drum killing violence. Instead I got unadulterated ear drum killing glee. I imagine that everyone in this band likes candy. They like getting notes from secret admirers and they like playing pick up games of soccer in the park in their pajamas. This album is crazy child minded twee glee. Nothing got me bouncing like a 3 year old more then this record.
3. Kathleen Edwards- Asking for flowers. I already talked about this album. But after a year of pouring over this amazing album I came to this conclusion: I am so very glad I am not a women. The depths of emotion that the sweeter gender must feel would be unbearable for my brain to handle. I can barley handle an average day of ups and downs in my dull male world. Edwards like all those country hard women before her lays out a plee to the male world. Stop fucking with us, you are making me angry drunk and sad and I hate fucking strangers out of spite. No album this year ever put me into anothers head so fully then this one did. I'm sorry Miss Edwards, the men of the world will try harder next year i promise.
2. M83 Saturdays = Youth. Kim and Jessie is the song of the year. I don't want any arguments because you are wrong. You just are. I put this album on for the first time about a month ago. Middle of the night and I was tired and just wanted to get some sleep. I did not sleep that night. I was changed. 6 times in a row i listened to this record. I don't know what it was about that night. It was sort of like having a crazy one night stand with someone who you meet again a week later and become friends. This is the Elaine from Seinfeld of records for me. But it's gorgeous and inspired by M83 lead man's love of 80's films. It's inspired. It's its own world and if you don't get it well go listen to coldplay.
1. Tv on the Radio- Dear Science God damnit I swore.....I swore on my life this would not be my favourit album of they year. I got it I listened to it. I was stunned. It wasn't at all what I thought. In fact let's say this about 2008...If you thought you knew what the album your favourite band put out this year would sound like your a liar. Everything changed. Everything got better. Our idols honed their craft and proved they were worthy of our ears. Tv on the radio did nothing more amazing then anyone else I just think that this album sums up 2008. We are all changed and or changing. The curtain around the world of ours is falling. Tv on the radio knows this. They're smart.There are so many records I didn't mention, this is a safe list really. But when I look back at 2008 I'm amazed. This has been the best year for music since I can not remember. Just under the surface of top 40 are jems in any variety. Every 'sigh' genre got more progressive or refined. Everything changed everything got better. We are lucky for our ears and our emotions. We are lucky we know what good music is.
Ok time to stop typing. Damn this is a long one. Have a good Christmas fuckers.
p.s. so I'm an Idiot. I'm tired that's the problem. I actually didn't put Portisehead on this list. God I am stupid. This was the best album of the year. So ha Tv on the radio. AnywayI'll write another post about this album and why it's a timeless masterpiece later. Sorry portisehead.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mike's BDay
Just a quick shot from the hip-- tacking on to John's post. Went to my father-in-law's today, and he pulled out a couple records by Tom Paxton-- a guy I had never even heard of before, but evidently he's still making music. I was totally into the style-- kind of a John Prine thing, but a better voice, nice guitar work. I ran out of time, but next time I'm bringing my iPod and playing him some stuff that is obviously influenced by that time and genre. It's a cool way to connect, and a great way to learn about some new-to-you music. Two way street, ya know? So I am with you John-- discourse is the best way to find new music. That's the whole point of this blog, too, right? Alright, time to go celebrate my birthday and listen to some great music and eat great food and be with great people.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Year's Ends
So me and drew we're talking about how year after year me and him are becoming more and more removed from that little thing called the music scene. In fact this is a common discussion I have with most of my fellow music assholes of the past. Are we getting old and more involved in actual life? Is music just not as interesting as it was five years ago? Or is it something else?
Well there is no excuse people. There was some amazing sounds made this year from some amazing artists. Now is the time to find out all about all the things you missed. First there's the abundant Internet and it's never ending cornucopia of music blogs and websites. There's also , I hear, free music to be had by something called downloading. So combine the two. Comb the Internet and your local bookstores music magazine rack for all sorts of top of the year lists. These people actually get paid to do what we do for free....listen and talk. What chumps we are.
Speaking of talking....tis the season. I encourage everyone to strike up a conversation with that relative or church going friend you only see during the holiday season. Maybe they have something new to turn you onto. Maybe cousin frank has the new M83 album and is just waiting for someones mind to be blown out all over the xmas ham. Or maybe not. But there's always the oldies but goodies. I find the more talk you have with this medium the more you get out of it. My god albums like Kid A and In the Aeroplane over the sea have to be discussed. Plus just talking about music draws you back into the fold. I just got done discussing a portisehead/radiohead collaboration with my friend Aaron an hour ago and now I have 12 albums downloading, legally of course. Tonight I will fall asleep debating Hot Chip and Bon Iver in my head as sugar plum fairies do whatever the hell they do to you with your eyes closed...fuckers.
Anyway take a bit of time this holiday season. Turn on your Ipods, cd players or Internet radio station and take a look what's out there. We are getting older, but that's no excuse to let that olde friend music, who has been there with you through every high and low of our lives, disappear. They deserve a little better then that. Happy xmas, merry new year.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Best of 2008
I hardly find it fair for me to make a list since I doubt I heard 10 whole albums from this year alone, but I know mike wants to know. I am more comfortable with my favorite songs of 2008. The basis for this list is simply what I listen to. In the end that is what it's all about. The list is alphabetical, but more so a coincidence since my number one song from 2008 was "Sometime Around Midnight" by the Airborne Toxic Event. Here are the rest:
There are some regulars here: Ben Folds, Mates of State, Tilly and the Wall, Coldplay. But there are two worth mentioning briefly: Kaki King is Katherine Elizabeth King from Atlanta, GA. You should be interested to know that she was the first woman ever listed as a "Guitar God" in Rolling Stone in 2006. But she's also "an out-loud and proud lesbian" seriously kicking ass in the music world. Check it out: She & Him is Zooey Deschanel and M Ward. We all knew she could sing and I'm happy to see Deschanel's debut was well received.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Mike's Top Ten Best Albums of 2008
EDIT: If you got here via Largehearted Boy welcome-- please look around the site and also check out our growing Best of 2008 lists:
Dan's Favorite Songs
John's Top Ten Albums (despite his rant)
Mike's Top Ten Songs of 2008
Alright, I was gonna wait til it was closer to the time I would be home, but Hypem forced my hand by doing their annual poll of top ten posts. So here is my list for this year's top ten albums (best songs of the year will follow soon). I hope to see everyone else's lists on here soon-- we can debate them at Xmas. Also, hope you like the color change-- I had to agree with Dan the black just didn't look right...
First the honorable mentions: there were a couple albums out there that won't make my list due to the fact that they aren't my style, but they were definitely interesting listens. Those would be the 8-bit sound (new to me) of Crystal Castles self-titled debut, and the spastic dance-a-thon of Girl Talks Feed the Animals. Great albums for the party inclined music seeker.
I also enjoyed Conor Oberst's first solo outing, and the new Death Cab album. The new Okkervil River album The Stand Ins wasn't bad, but not nearly as complete as last year's The Stage Names. The Streets put out a new one that had a few catchy songs, but he still didn't bring it like on his first two albums. These were all hanger's on, but didn't do quite enough for me.
Finally, honorable mentions purely because I didn't get to hear as much of them as I wanted to-- Seven Mary Three, Filter, Ryan Adams, Beck and The Presidents of the United States all had new albums this year, but I never really got to sit down and listen to them. Hopefully after Xmas I'll have a little extra spending cash to pick them up and give them a full listen.
And now my actual Top Ten Albums of 2008
10) Kings of Leon - Only By The Night
As much as I didn't want to bite off on this album, it's hard to deny it's likability. I've been a KOL fan since Aha Shake Heartbrake, and while this one doesn't have as much swamp rock to it, they've traded up for arena rock, and this is a nice introduction to the band if you hadn't heard of them before.9) The Whigs - Mission Control
A spare garage rock, power chord banger of an album, this trio from Athens, GA bring back the 90's alt-rock feel and combine it with a little southern twang. Rockers "Like a Vibration" and "Right Hand on My Heart" are standouts, but dreamier songs like "Sleep Sunshine" balance the album nicely.
8) TV on the Radio - Dear Science,
TVOTR have moved a bit towards the mainstream from their former hazy trip-hop, but don't let that fool you. These guys still have a sound that is off the wall. This album has added more funk elements to their sound, and it's a catchy listen from start to finish.
7) Drive-By Truckers - Brighter Than Creations Dark
Songs like "That Man I Shot," "Two Daughters and a Wife," and "The Righteous Path," show why Patterson Hood is one of the best songwriters in music today. The album is a bit long at 18 songs, and there are a few clunkers in there, but this album survives on the strength of some great songs throughout.
6) Counting Crows - Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
Well, I wished this album would have been higher, but the Saturday/Sunday split of the songs really makes this album hard to sit through in one sitting. Definitely a strong outing from the Adam Duritz and the Crows though, with the strongest songs being, surprisingly, their rockers rather than their soft songs. The first half of the album is a winner for sure (songs like "Cowboys," and "1492.")
5) Mike Doughty - Golden Delicious
While M. Doughty from the Soul Coughing days may be gone, fans of that band can still hear bits and pieces of that great band in the newest solo effort from Mike Doughty. The album is still a bit overproduced and contemporary, but it's hard to deny that Doughty can turn a phrase and write a tune. Upon repeated listens this album's songs shine, especially "Fort Hood," and "I Got the Drop on You." If you loved Haughty Melodic you will love this, and if you liked Soul Coughing, you may need to give this one some time, but it will eventually win you over.
4) The Black Keys - Attack and Release
The Keys have moved out of the garage and into the basement as producer Danger Mouse takes the duo out of their blues rock comfort zone into a ghostly, psychodelic romp. Though not as successful at this than they are at straight rock, this album has a great flow start to finish and the song "I Got Mine" wins the Riff of the Year (try learning it yourself-- it's hard to stop playing it).
3) Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
These guys were blowing up on The Hype Machine when I first discovered it, and eventually I was curious. Glad I was, because they're debut is awesome. I love Paul Simon's Graceland, and this album owes its existance to that one. The Afro-pop beats and Ivy League lyrics make for a great repeated listen.
2) Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
This one has been on my short list since January when I was in Japan and had a CD alarm clock and put the Paste sampler in it. I woke up to the song "Skinny Love" every day for about 2 weeks before I realized how great a song it really is. The album has such a strange feeling of coldness (recorded in a cabin in Wisconsin in the middle of winter) and yet an amazing warmth (walls of vocals, steady rhythm guitars) that has made it my most played of the year... but that wasn't enough to make it my....
#1 Album of the Year!
Sun Kil Moon - April
Incredible. What else can I say about this one? Mark Kozelek has a way of writing songs that find a way to penetrate your soul. I'm serious. I love this album, and while it takes some time (74 minutes to be exact) I feel like I just watched an amazing movie when I'm done listening. If you don't own it, buy it. Your rainy days will never be the same.
Please feel free to add your list in the comments section below!