Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mike's BDay

Just a quick shot from the hip-- tacking on to John's post. Went to my father-in-law's today, and he pulled out a couple records by Tom Paxton-- a guy I had never even heard of before, but evidently he's still making music. I was totally into the style-- kind of a John Prine thing, but a better voice, nice guitar work. I ran out of time, but next time I'm bringing my iPod and playing him some stuff that is obviously influenced by that time and genre. It's a cool way to connect, and a great way to learn about some new-to-you music. Two way street, ya know? So I am with you John-- discourse is the best way to find new music. That's the whole point of this blog, too, right? Alright, time to go celebrate my birthday and listen to some great music and eat great food and be with great people.

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