Alright, well at least I hope there's gonna be some mania! John 87 and I should both be posting today, and if you have a mixtape entry for a relationship from first meeting to tragic end, throw it up here, either on the site or in the comments section. The more the merrier. So I had a lot of different ideas:chronological songs-- starting with Beatles and Beach Boys for the nicer stuff, ending with newer stuff for the tragedy; not making it a breakup, but rather just dying of old age; what I finally went with was a boy/girl/duet sorta thing. I have less girl songs than boy songs, since as John87 pointed out, my brothers and I are sort of sexist in our musical tastes I guess. I think songs from a man perspective just click better with me, so they are more prominent in this mix, but I tried to stick to the theme, as well as highlight some of the songs that move me most. And yes, there is a Barenaked Ladies song on here. Try to keep an open mind-- I saw a televised concert where he did this song and he was litteraly crying during the song. The screaming is more than enough to warrent the addition. Oh, and the mixtape playlist is in multiple parts because not every song was on imeem or grooveshark, so I had to combine.
Act 1, The Courtship: 1. Mugison - Mugiboogie: Man - Sees woman, acts cool 2. Leona Naess - Calling: Woman - Has high hopes already 3. Jens Lekman - Kanske Ar Jag Kar i Dig: Man - Loses cool because he really likes woman 4. Bjork - Joga: Woman - Man makes her feel very intense 5. Mason Jennings - Nothing: Man - Still trying hard to win her over
Really enjoyed your blog. It appears we have similar taste in music (leans alt-country sometimes).
Thanks for using the Grooveshark widget, it means the world to us!
Hey Jack, thanks for the comment. Found grooveshark through the folks at hypemachine, and i have been spreading your site's name around like crazy, especially at work to help people break the rules and stream music!
I Could Be The Walrus is a music blog by a group of best friends who love music of all kinds (if you watch long enough you'll figure out who likes what) who are now all groweds up and spread around the country. This is the best way for us to share our music with each other and hopefully with all of you. Feel free to weigh in on our debates!
"Not that I condone facism, or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in The Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people." - Ferris Bueller
Blasting Out Our Doors
Nati Cano's Mariachi los Camperos- Viva el Mariachi!and other 1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die Dan:
The Lonely Forest - We Sing in Time
John 87:
M83- Saturdays = Youth and a whole lot of twee music....stupid Los Campensinos sneakin up on me like that.
All mp3s shared on this blog are for sampling purposes only and are left up only for a limited time. We encourage anyone who finds good music on this page to support the artists by buying their music and spreading their name. If you have a complaint about the ownership of a track, please leave a comment, as an email will be sent directly to us and we can remove it ASAP.
Really enjoyed your blog. It appears we have similar taste in music (leans alt-country sometimes).
Thanks for using the Grooveshark widget, it means the world to us!
Hey Jack, thanks for the comment. Found grooveshark through the folks at hypemachine, and i have been spreading your site's name around like crazy, especially at work to help people break the rules and stream music!
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