Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're from Barcelona

It shouldn't be any surprise that I'm a sucker for the band genre of bordeline-cult-ensembles. We're from Barcelona fits neatly on my imaginary shelf where I would hypothetically keep tiny versions of the Polyphonic Spree and Architecture in Helsinki to play me happy songs on a rainy day. Their album debuted in 2006, but it's clearly still making an impression. Their debut US performance also just happened to be at Lollapalooza last August. I'm not convinced they'll have as lasting of an impression on me as Architecture has, but wanted to share with you anyway. I don't have quite the enthusiasm to write as thoroughly as Mike, so here is what some satisfied pitchfork writers had to say:

Pitchfork song review: “We're From Barcelona” *****
Pitchfork Album review: Let me Introduce All of My Friends [8.4]

I'm From Barcelona Myspace


Unknown said...

Nice-- very architecture in helsinki, but less squeaky, and more "we are the world." i love the description borderline-cult-ensembles. we need to start one of those

miguel said...

Found you via a Google Alert. I like the borderline-cult-ensemble description, too.

Wish they were playing Sasquatch instead of Coachella.

Keep up the blogging!
