Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My I-pod my other girlfriend...I send as much time with her as I do my real girlfriend...My Xbox

So yeah I guess I've been on my own personal recession. Don't know why I haven't written much here ...it's been a month since I promised to post that mixtape...ha I break promises like I break hearts, by simply disapearing...that could have been funnier.

So I've spent the last month perfecting my lil ipod. I scrapped everything off it and just began putting things back on it one by one. It's kind of like the modern day album reorganising.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQvOnDlql5g. So yea I just started going through my digital collection and scrapping all the stuff i really don't need. Really there's no need for anyone to have 35 lil wayne albums...yes there are more then 35 lil wayne albums. Anyway I learned a lot about myself...it was a growing experience....not really actually. I found out how big a pretentious music snob i am. Seriouslly who thinks that they need every single Sarah record single. Anyway I've got 68.3 gigs filled up now, all organised and with every album cover. I really enjoy the coverflow option on the new ipods. I think the album cover is an important aspect to all albums. It along with the album name sort of sets the inital tone before you even begin playing the music. So having those album covers available to flip through is a nice touch. Most of the time now i don't look up albums or artists I just sort of flip through till I find something I want to check out.

Now one of the major flaws I find with the new digital downloading era is the buy only one song from an album cause you can pay 99cents instead of 10 bucks. This really promotes the radio top 40 single format and sort of keeps down the little guys. I always kind of felt the arguement over illegal downloading was pushed so hard by huge record companies was because downloading really helpped a lot of tiny artists. I mean people refer to bands that are big on the bloggosphere now as myspace bands. Digital media is away of accessing an incredible amount of media very quickly and easily. Where before you had to access MTV and the radio to get new music now it's everywhere.Bands you'd never heard of are getting talked about without major label support. While I've been typing this I downloaded the new Alela Diane album, I'd never known about her if i hadn't gotten a recomendation from a blog about her great album the pirate gospel. Now she's got a review in Paste magazine and a slowly building career in the bloggosphere.

Unfortunatelly I can see the draw to the single format. I drive around most of the time with my ipod on shuffle and allow it to pump out a sort of radio station mix bag. It's nice to just get random songs, i mean nobody really can listen to 36.7 days worth of music and hear all the good stuff.

So here's a sort of compromise. Buy that single you like. bay Itunes your 99 cents. but then go and download the album somewhere else. Checkout what the artists do as a whole. I really think it's worth it to see what someone makes as a whole and not just as a part. It helps fuel creativity instead of just mundane pop fodder that is safe and sells well.

well that's my lil rant of the day.

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