Tuesday, March 17, 2009

yeah yeah yeah's It's Blitz review

Dear Yeah yeah yeah's,


It's Blitz? what the hell is this dirvel? Seriouslly what happened to you guys. Where's mthe art star,date with the night, black tongue fierce rock power. Why are there keyboards and dance songs on this album? Why isn't karen O yelling at the top of her lungs?Why do you think you have to change? Why do you think you need to make mediocre pop trash.Why does your album IT'S BLITZ have no energy? Why the hell is the cover the most exciting part of this album?http://pitchfork.com/news/34603-yeah-yeah-yeahs-reveal-badass-iits-blitzi-cover/
I don't get it. You've lost me. I was a good fan. I bought your first ep and fever to tell before that maps video. I was there for you when Show your Bones kinda didn't work. I even pumped this new album up to my friends. You've made me sad. You've fallen to the gods of Mtv. I just can't follow you anymore. Enjoy your Spin cover article assholes....

One of your biggest fans
John 87

p.s. fuck you

well anyway this album sucks. I appreciate artists trying things out and evolving overtime. I love when bands do that, in fact i think it's necessary. What i hate is when bands cut away their 'edge' to make pop music. Fever to tell was pop music. The band was great in the loud scratchy guitar, paniced drums and karen o screaming like a siren. So over two albums they cut all that awya. Now it's soft electro dance punk and hushed vocals. Why? seriouslly what were they trying to do besides make more money and hit up the mainstream radio. There's no energy here,no catchy lyrics or fun songs. It's bland and blah. This album isn't the egg being squeezed by the random hand on the cover, it's the white wall behind it. so yeah don;t bother if you ask me. There's more then enough mediocre alterna bands out there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, harsh. havent heard it yet though, and i totally agree they have headed more in the maps direction and away from the date with the night direction, and i think thats a terrible idea. the only reason i liked them the first time i heard them is they were so raw - i think you lose that and you lose my interest